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Re: Hide (future) uninteresting messages

On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 08:35:08 AM -0500, Patrick Shanahan
(WideGlide@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: 
> * M. Fioretti <mfioretti@xxxxxxxxx> [06-10-04 08:02]:
> > 
> > I follow several high traffic mailing lists. Very often, a new message
> > starts a thread which will last for many days and messages.
> > 
> > If I have no interest in that thread, deleting it all won't save me
> > time. The morning after, I'll find several orphaned (sub)-threads with
> > all the messages since my last visit, and need to delete them again.
> > Ditto the day after. 
> > 
> > How can I have mutt do all the following for me?
> You are not using the current version, so I do not know that it is
> available, but mutt has a scoring feature that will provide the function
> you desire.  Look for it in TFM.

Will it?
TFM says:

3.22.    Message Scoring

  The score commands adds value to a message's score if pattern
  matches  it.

message, not thread. what is the pattern meaning " if this is in a
thread whose *first* message has score -10000, it must be -10000 too?

Unless you can score the parent message, and have a folder hook that
says "collaps and hide all threads whose first message has score lower
than X. Is this what you mean? How should that hook be?

Also, I also want to prevent mutt from saying "new message in mailbox
XYZ" if it belongs to an unwanted thread..


Marco Fioretti                 mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/en/

Give up vows and dogmas, and fixed things, and you may ... come to
think a blow bad, because it hurts, and not because it humiliates.
You may come to think murder wrong, because it is violent, and not
because it is unjust.  -- G. K. Chesterton.  "The Ball and the Cross"