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Re: Meta-Macro's and General Folder-Hook Question

> * Stef <stef@xxxxxxxxx> [06-07-04 18:45]:
> > 
> >     macro index ,z ',q<enter>,w<enter>" 'My Meta-Macro'
> > 
> >     However, that stops if the first macro does'nt match anything
> > with a 'Nothing to do' error message, so, is there anyway to tell it to
> > proceed onto the next 'macro' regardless of the previous exit state ?
> No, unless there is a patch available.  You are trying to perform a
> conditional operation which mutt does not do. 

hrm, actually, i am trying to get mutt to do
one macro and then the other -regardless- of
the outcome of the first one. its not a conditional
match, but funnily or curiously enough, that
is the -exact- behaviour i see. 

to whit: if macro 1 fails, then macro 2 .. 7
(or however many there is).

> My question: why would you exercise the macro if there is *no* matching
> mail?  If you do not know before-hand, make a single-key <F7> for the
> index to limit the display to matching mail, then exercise your macro.

imagine i have a macro that applies multi-filters
and puts mail into different mailboxes. currently
i have to press ,q and then all the way to ,i. of
course, there are also macro's that i would like
to archive.

obviously though, macro 1 if it fails or not, should
not stop the other macro's from firing, but this is
the behaviour i see (eg: 'Nothing to do' and it stops
after macro 1 - or macro 2 if macro 1 processes but
macro 2 fails) etc etc.

I assume you get the idea :)

regards and thanks
(btw, not a problem about the reply offlist, accidents happen :)

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