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Meta-Macro's and General Folder-Hook Question

Hello everyone,
        Firstly, let me thank all and sundry for
all the patches and time/sweat/tears that has gone
into mutt. I have used it for a few years, but since
this is my first 'official' mutt-users mail, i may
as well say 'kudos' to all.

        My problem comes with the problem of having
macro's calling macro's (i call these meta-macros,
rightly or wrongly, so apologies if my terminology
gets confusing). I have two macro's like this:

        macro index ,m <tag-pattern>'~s 
 'Spam Filter'

        # This is the archive macro for the main 'INBOX'
macro index .a 
 'INBOX Archive Filter'

        Now, both of these work as i want, however,
i keep finding myself doing the four keypresses and
thought, 'hey, why not jst cut this down to two ?'
(or one later such as ctrl-y or such). So, i (perhaps
naively) tried this:

        macro index ,z ',q<enter>,w<enter>" 'My Meta-Macro'

        However, that stops if the first macro doesnt
match anything with a 'Nothing to do' error message,
so, is there anyway to tell it to proceed onto the
next 'macro' regardless of the previous exit state ?


        My other small question is even simplier, but
something that I cant seem to find. Do folder-hooks (on
! obviously) work as and when 'new mail' comes into the
spoolfile ? If not, is there anyway to set this up ?

        Many thanks to all

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