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Re: Forwarding HTML mail as text

Hi Chris,
* Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx) wrote thusly unto the masses:
> On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 09:22:48AM -0600, Ben Livingood wrote:
> Thanks for replying, however....

No problem,

> My mailcap has:-
>     text/html; lynx -nocolor -cfg /usr/chris/lib/lynx.cfg -underscore 
> -force_html -dump %s; copiousoutput

Interesting. . .

> When I forward a message that appears to me as:-
> That looks pretty much like HTML to me inside the forwarded message,
> how can I convert it to text?

Have you looked at forward_decode and mime_forward_decode? They
purport to control the decoding of complex MIME into text/plain when

I have the following in my .muttrc and a forward of the aforementioned
html only hotmail mail converts successfully and cleanly.

  set forward_decode     # decode messages when forwarding without MIME
unset mime_forward_decode     # decode messages when forwarding with MIME


0a --                                                                  73
72 011001110111001001100101011001010110111001101100                    65
6d Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to                     72
6f die even the undertaker will be sorry.                              66
73  -- Mark Twain                                                      6e
61 GPG: "lynx -source http://www.cns.montana.edu/~bgood/bgood.key.asc |72
74 Key fingerprint = 5368 1E93 02AD 17E8 1630 3A70 AC3F 9264 299D 5BD4 37
37 011000010110111001110100011001010111001001101110                    36