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Re: Muttrc Builder (was: why not start a mutt profile generator project?)

On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 12:20:59AM +0200 or thereabouts, markus reichelt wrote:
> Stephen Allen <kru_tch@xxxxxxxx> muttered:
> > There was a website (seems to be offline at present)
> > <http://mutt.netliberte.org/>, that did this.
> FYI:
> I managed to find the author of the Muttrc Builder and contacted him,
> but there's no good news: Apparently the NetLiberte servers burnt in
> February and the sources were lost. If no copy is found, there won't
> be a surrection of the fine muttrc builder.
> But in case Mahdi Nadir manages to locate the sources again, a server
> with php and postgresql is needed.

Seems, like I spoke too soon in my last post. The "WayBack" machine doesn't seem
to have the backend code archived, which makes sense. I wouldn't be too happy if
3rd parties were archiving my php scripts. ;)

In any event, it looks like it was a GPL application. Was it ever uploaded to
freshmeat or the forge?

If it is found, I just noticed it requires Postgresql. Unfortunately, I use
MySQL, with my site. So I wouldn't be able to install Postgre. :(

barnyard  Thursday May 27 2004 07:30:02 PM EDT
Sure he's sharp as a razor ... he's a two-dimensional pinhead!

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