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Re: getting some color

On 05-27 09:58, Gabriel Rocha wrote:
> How would I add color to the different * format lines? As an example, I
> have the following line in my .muttrc:
> set status_format=" [Folder: %f] [Size: %L/%l] [Messages: %?M?%M/?%m%?n? 
> total?%?n?, %n new?%?d?, %d deleted?%?t?, %t tagged?] [Host: %h] "
> How would I change that to make it so the the host portion showed up in
> color? (any color, I can take it from there, I hope ) is that even
> possible? I appreciate any responses. --Gabe

I tried to play with ANSI escape sequences, but it doesn't work. The
escape characters must be quoted somehow, either by ncurses or slang, or
mutt. Maybe someone knows how to include an escape in a setting?

set status_format=" [Folder: %f] [Size: %L/%l] [Messages: %?M?%M/?%m%?n? 
total?%?n?, %n new?%?d?, %d deleted?%?t?, %t tagged?] +[Host: 
^[[00m^[[01;33m%h^[[00m] "

Where ^[ is obtained by hitting Ctrl-V, Esc.


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