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Re: one strange problem in mutt

* bing yu <byu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [05-26-04 02:06]:
> i have installed wvHtml and it works
> ~/.mailcap 
> application/msword; wvHtml --charset=gb2312 %s - | lynx --dump -stdin;
> nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput
> text/html; lynx --dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput
> ~/.muttrc 
> set implicit_autoview = yes
> auto_view text/html application/msword 
> the problem is: 
> when i attache a MS doc file in my outgoing mail. the doc file can
> display properly in mutt(the outgoing mail Fcc to sent mailbox)
> but mutt can not display doc when i got doc attachment from others.(as a
> matter of fact, this application is really important  to me, say, i want
> say what the document my peers sent to me is ) 

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Patrick Shanahan                        Registered Linux User #207535
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