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Re: folder-hook problems with imap

* It was Thu, May 20, 2004 at 09:57:01PM -0600 when Mike said:
> On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 10:45:12PM -0700, Sami Samhuri wrote:
> > * It was Wed, May 19, 2004 at 10:07:26PM -0600 when Mike said:
> > > Hello mutt users,
> > > 
> > > I've been using mutt for about four years now and recently came upon a
> > > problem that I can't figure out. The description to this problem is
> > > long. Please bear with me.
> > > 
> > > I have two boxes (or boxen, I'm never sure, anyhow...), mg1 and mg2. mg2
> > > is also the mail server for my small (3 computers) home network. The
> > > mail server is running qmail and courier imap. Both are running Gentoo
> > > Linux and have identical versions of mutt as shown below,
> > > 
> > <snip>
> > 
> > While I can't offer you any advice on this, I can offer some testing
> > help if you need it. I'm running Gentoo with postfix, courier-imap, and
> > mutt 1.5.6i (-HOMESPOOL, MAILPATH="/var/mail"). Also on 2.6.5-gentoo-r1,
> > if it matters. Let me know if I can try some stuff for you.
> Thanks for the offer. Are you seeing the same problem? I'm guessing you
> don't have a second machine you can connect with to verify the problem.
> True? As for me I'm going to downgrade to 1.5.4i on the box that does
> not run the mail server and see if that fixes the problem. If it does
> then I will file a bug report via muttbug.

Hi sorry it took a couple days to get back to you. I do have a second
machine running freebsd 4.9-stable and it has mutt 1.4.1i running on it.
On both this Gentoo box (very similar to yours) and the freebsd box the
hooks work without a hitch. Strange problem!

Sami Samhuri

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