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Re: "G" and fetchmail

Am 2004-05-21 00:21:04, schrieb Greg Kedrovsky:
>I'm sure this is a question that's been asked a lot... I googled and
>didn't find much of anything. 
>I set up a "G" macro to run my fetchmail. But, I get an error saying
>that I need to "own" my /etc/fetchmailrc. That's root - he owns it. 
>Is there any kind of work-around for this? I tried a symlink, but Mutt
>didn't like that either. 

This is not a problem from 'mutt'

If you run 'fetchmail' as $USER, 
you need a working ~/.fetchmailrc in your $HOME.

>I'm on dial-up and would like an easy keystroke to get my mail.


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