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Re: Index not Showing # of Message Lines

so spake Barry Skidmore [2004.05.09 @ 15:34]:
> I am using mutt (2004-02-12) on Trustix Linux 2.1.
> The problem I am having is that the number of message lines displayed in 
> the message index is always reported as '0', irrespective of the actual 
> number of lines in the message.
> Here is the relevent entry in my .muttrc:
> set index_format="%4C %Z %[!%d.%m.%y] %-15.15F (%4l) %s"
> Interestingly, I do _not_ have this problem with:
> on FreeBSD RELEASE 5.1
> 1.4.1i on Fedora Core 1
> 1.3.28i on Debian (Woody).
> Any thoughts?

are you using IMAP by any chance?  if so, i experience the same 
problem.  once the email is read, you will notice that the email info is
cached and the line numbers are reported.  perhaps the imap caching
patch would help (and perhaps this is changed/fixed in 1.5).  dunno,
myself, as i'm too lazy to care. ;)

> Thanks,
> Barry Skidmore

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