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Re: screenshots?

[Il 02/05/2004, alle 08:46] => Jay Daniels scrive:

> I would like to see some screenshots of mutt using different color
> schemes.  URL?
 in green you can see the new msg.
 in red the msg with attach and in white the read msg

> Also, how do find which colors I can use in mutt?
 here the color section in my .muttrc:

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# - -
# Color definitions
#color normal white default
#color hdrdefault red default
#color header brightred default ^(From|Subject):
color hdrdefault  brightblack default
color header      brightblue  default  "^date: *"
color header      yellow   default  "^from: *"
color header      green    default  "^subject: *"
color header      cyan     default  "^to: *"
color header      cyan     default  "^delivered-to: *"
color header      cyan     default  "^cc: *"
color header      cyan     default  "^bcc: *"
color header      yellow   default  "^reply-to: *"
color header      yellow   default  "^mail-followup-to: *"
color header      yellow   default  "^old-return-path: *"
color header      magenta default "^x-mailer: *"
color header      magenta default "^user-agent: *"
color header      magenta default "^x-operating-system: *"
color header      red      default  "^x-mailing-list: *"
color header      red      default  "^in-reply-to: *"
color header      magenta  default  "x-newsreader"
color header      brightblue  default  "^Newsgroups: *"
color quoted brightblue default
color quoted1 green default     #robba mia
color quoted2 yellow default    #robba mia
color quoted3 red default       #robba mia
color quoted4 cyan default      #robba mia
color signature red default
color indicator brightyellow red
color error brightred default
color status yellow blue
color tree red default  # the thread tree in the index menu
color tilde magenta default
color message brightcyan default
color markers brightcyan default
color attachment green default
color search default green      # how to hilite search patterns in the pager
color index green default ~N    #robba mia
color index magenta default '~r >1m'    # Colora di magenta i msg piu' vecchi 
di una mese
# evidenzia gli attachment e header from e subject
#color index color1 color0 '~B "Content-Disposition: attachment"'
color index yellow default '~B "Content-Disposition: attachment"'
color body magenta default "(ftp|http)://[^ ]+" # point out URLs
color body magenta default [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+    # e-mail addresses
color underline brightgreen default
> jay

"la guerra rimane / nel buco di un millennio speso a riparare ogni
frontiera artificiale / nell'odio sceso dentro le coscienze umane / 
la guerra chiede sempre il conto a chi rimane / e oggi faccio il mio
dovere: il sabotatore"                              Assalti Frontali