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Re: compose problem: empty message is created


* On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 11:12:22PM +0200 Christoph Berg wrote:
> The compressed folders patch 
> Though there some race conditions which prevent it from getting included
> in the main code, it is used by several distributions (Debian etc.), so
> it can be considered stable.

Are you sure? I'm using Debian (Woody/Stable) with a backport of mutt
(from Unstable/Sid), and did some tests with compressed folders. More
than once, moving mails into an compressed mbox resulted in an error
message (and the mail was not moved into the new folder), but it was
marked as deleted in the old folder. If I did not undelete that mail,
the mail would have been lost.

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce this behaviour, it just
occured now and then, so I did not contact anyone to tell them. Anyway,
because of this, I do not use compressed folders anymore.

Ah, I just had a look: It's already known:

Furthermore, compressed folders should not be used to deliver mails to:

And this is more annoying than a bug:

Anyway, I feel #210429 is a real "show-stopper". (I have not tried to
attached patch there, nor have I checked if it's already in the Debian

Kind regards,

Spiro R. Trikaliotis