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Re: no color when composing email in 1.5.6

At 12:56 PM PST on February 27 Mark Frank sent off:
> I was running on FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE and after a buildworld and 
> portupgrade, I am now on 1.5.6i on 5.2.1-RELEASE.

Was color composing working for you before upgrading mutt?  It shouldn't make
a difference.

> The only issue I'm having is when I compose a message I have no coloring
> at all - just my default green on black.  All coloring in the pager,
> index etc works just fine and I've not changed my muttrc at all (except

Better sit down - coloring inside your editor is your editor's job, not mutt's.
You'll need to find out how to get your editor to highlight mail messages.

As for why unsetting editor in your mutt config didn't change anything,
that's probably because for worse or worse mutt defaults the editor to vi
when $EDITOR isn't set.

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