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Re: maildir structure and change dir

Mike --

...and then M. Mueller said...
% On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 06:52:17AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > 
% > ...and then M. Mueller said...
% > % 
% > % Noob here.  3 days.  Started email with M$ 10y. Then KMail 2y. Now Mutt 
3d. If I
% > 
% > Good for you!  You're definitely on the right path :-)
% > 
% Control  in the hands of the user.  

Yeah :-)

% > 
% > % need to adjust my thinking, just slap me.
% > 
% > Well, I don't know about slap, and I don't know about 'need', but
% > personally I think perhaps you should.
% > 
% > A Maildir is designed to have exactly three subdirectories: cur, new,
% > tmp.  No more, no less.  
% Clear. Concise. Thank you.  It's probably in docs out there, but I'm

You're quite welcome.

It is in docs, but I believe the docs don't explicitly exclude, which led
to quite a bit of discussion, and Dad (the author) made the official
statement on the qmail mailing list.  Good enough for me :-)

% covering a lot of ground quickly. This explaination fits my experience
% exactly.

Aha!  Good to know.  As I say, mutt is liberal, but if this makes for a
problem then we definitely want to remember it.

% > be liberal about what it accepts and seems to be able to handle it.  But,
% > then, you have this little xyg problem...
% No warts for me right now thank you.  I converted all of my mailboxes to


% be subdir directly from the folder and c-<tab> navigation works
% predictably now.  I create the impression of levels in the names; for
% example, =Maildir/xyg.client.timecards/

Ah.  If that works for you, that's dandy.  Note, though, that you could


where 'spool' is the Maildir that would have been at that level and
client or timecards or whatever is lower.  Then, again, there usually
aren't so terribly many mailboxes which receive mail and need checking,
so they can all be in one place.

% Now when I enter c-<tab> in any mailbox folder I get the entire list I


% specify using "mailboxes" command in .muttrc.  It's flat structure instead of 
% an hierarchy.  The GUI email clients I've used are hierarchical.

You can have a tree with mutt, too, as long as you structure it right.

% > 
% > Assuming your Maildir/ isn't really trying to be a Maildir/ because you

[My bad; I went back and re-read your note and you indeed were delivering
here, so we can't really assume that.  But I took care of that at the end
of the paragraph.]

% > have your mbox, it looks like all you need to do is make a Maildir
% > xyg/spool/ or xyg/xyg/ or whatever for your xyg mail.  [Of course, if
% > Maildir/ *is* trying to be a maildir, then make Maildir/spool/ as well.]
% If I understand correctly, my spool is /var/mail/myusername on my setup.

Sure; that's not uncommon.

% I am running nullmailer (instead of exim/qmail/sendmail/etc. - trying to
% limit quantity of learning for now).  The spool is mbox format.

That's also not uncommon.  That may be all the mailer you need for a
long, long time; it works for lots of people.

% I think my spool (defined by $MAIL) is only used when procmail runs out
% of recipes. 

Well, that's $DEFAULT, but if you don't have $DEFAULT set then it falls
through to $MAIL (someone should probably check me on this :-)

% I guess I would export MAIL = /home/myusername/Maildir to make ~/Maildir
% the spool file?

Probably put it in your .procmailrc file, but mebbe in your environment.
Try it and see :-)

% > 
% > This has come up a few times in the past; check the list archives.  As I
% > say above, I don't know if you 'need' to, but not only is it the right
% > thing to do but it might also solve your problem :-)
% The important thing for me is to identify the warts and avoid them.  It's 
% to have experience on your side when trying to 
% tell a wart from the Right Way (tm).  As my experience
% grows I can try out the warts.

Good for you.  I agree.

% > 
% > Don't worry about the long explanation; detail is good!  And welcome to
% > mutt :-)
% Thanks. Good to be here. I'm enjoying the power and knowledge.

Power, power, power!  Bwahahaha!


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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