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Re: Can I use variable like $USER in .muttrc directives?

On 16:05 19 Jan 2004, Gary Johnson <garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| On 2004-01-19, prosolutions@xxxxxxx wrote:
| > Is it possible to use a variable to represent the user in
| > configuration pathname configuration directives in .muttrc, for
| > example, something like:
| > 
| > set spoolfile='/var/mail/$USER'
| You can, using backquotes to let the shell expand the variable(s),
| like this:
|     set spoolfile=`echo /var/mail/$USER`
| or this:
|     set spoolfile=/var/mail/`echo $USER`

Unnecessary. From "man muttrc":

        UNIX environments can be accessed like the way it  is  done  in 
        shells like sh and bash: Prepend the name of the environment by a
        dollar ("$") sign.

So just say:

        set spoolfile=/var/mail/$USER

Faster and simpler.

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743

They call me a bummer and a gin-sop,too....but what care I for praise!
        - Bob Dylan.   "The days of '49"