procmail recipe to catch mail from user lisrt
Hey everyone,
soooo... I know this isn't a procmail list, but y'all are so helpful...
I've set up this primitive mailing list on my office machine:
a simple .forward file that forwards mail sent to the address
foucault - at - my.personal.domain
to a list of email addresses (one address per line).
Now I want procmail to put every message sent to me from anyone on the list
into a
special mailbox, $MAILDER/.scitechmod.
So I did this in .procmailrc:
* ? $FORMAIL -x From: | grep -isF -f /home/scitechmod/.forward
I think it'll work... problem is, I'd like to add MYSELF to the
mailing list -- in fact, I have to... but I don't want mail from me
to end up in the special folder. Sooo.. think this'll work?
# try to filter kids' addresses to right mboxes
* ? $FORMAIL -x From: | grep -isF -f /home/scitechmod/.forward
* !^From:.*(matt@|matt.price@xxxxxxxxxxx)
... and is there a tricky way to test my recipes on existing mails?
I'm loathe to actually set this up till I know it's working.