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Re: multi fcc

On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 08:36:22AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> ...and then David Yitzchak Cohen said...

> % elsif [ "$blah_goo_gaa" ] ; then
> %  echo -e "1i\nFcc: =blah_goo_gaa\n.\nwq" | ed $file
> % elsif [ "$wawa_mama_dad" ] ; then
> %  echo -e "1i\nFcc: =wawa_mama_dad\n.\nwq" | ed $file
> % fi
> Whoops!  I wouldn't bother with these.  Let the regular fcc-[save-]hooks
> handle the straightforward stuff.

I like to consolidate my configs.  Now, if Mutt can't do what I want,
I make my own setup to do what I want (possibly duplicating existing
Mutt functionality in the process).  The thing is, trying to debug an
editor script like that when you have all sorts of "straightforward"
fcc-[save-]hooks possibly contradicting it is probably not a very fun
experience, so I wouldn't use them and my script at the same time.
My script is better, so use my script ;-P

> % vi $file
> Down with emacs!  Oops; wrong thread.

/me sticks his tongue out at all the kitchen sinkers out there who're
biting their keyboards to avoid replying ;-P

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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