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Re: Coloring Incomplete Lines in Pager (was: Re: upgrade to results in funky colorization)

On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 01:40:14PM -0500, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:
> > I wish I could tell you there's a better alternative.  Sadly, an
> > external pager means you can't enter commands while viewing the message.
> > (That's why you'll notice that in my own config, I don't touch $pager,
> > instead turning 'l' into a macro for piping the message through my display
> > filter and into w3m, and then going into the standard pager to view
> > the message.  I need that since I use message-hooks very extensively.
> > I'm still working on finding a good alternative.)  I suppose you could
> > use the Guile patch for Mutt, and then Scheme your way to a solution,
> > but I can't help you there.  (Allister, maybe?)
> With my revised version of xml2ansi, there now IS a better alternative.
> xml2ansi[1] now has a couple of #defines which color every single
> character individually, which gets around all outstanding color-clobbering
> issues I have with Mutt's pager.  The net result is that you can now color
> your messages using sed, awk, perl, or any other filter, as shown in my
> own displayfilterlist [2].  The net result is that you no longer have to
> use my funky pager setup in order to get colors the way you want them,
> where you want them :-)

So every character has at least 3 extra bytes before it when you do
that, right?  (^[0m)  Seems, at one level, a bit excessive..  But
also, at a different level, quite pragmatic.  And, after all, most
people don't use 2400 baud modems anymore.

Unfortunately, I haven't been spending much time tinkering with
mutt-guile lately, or I might indeed be able to present a nice
solution.  The problem is getting 2 or more colors within a single
line in the pager?  Actually, now that I think of it, to solve it any
other way than you have, the pager would have to be rewritten

Ah well.. adding "rewrite pager" to my mutt-guile wishlist. :-)


Allister MacLeod <amacleod@xxxxxxxx> | http://amacleod.is-a-geek.org/
 Elen síla lúmenn'omentielvo.