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I have written a program to query my palm pilot address book (or the
backup file for it - AddressDB.pdb or whatever it is called) and have
bound it to the mutt Query function (^Q).

Its insanely useful!

Anyway,  have situations in OTHER programs where I have to look up email
addresses, on occasion, and it'd be REALLY handy if instead of looking
up and getting the output like this:

Searching through 475 addresses in pilot address book.
frayah@xxxxxxxxxxx      Anne Oberin     
rb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx       Penguin Ricky Buchanan  
Colin.Oberin@xxxxxxxxxx Colin Oberin    Dad Father
kase@xxxxxxxx   Hayden Oberin   
kaysik@xxxxxxxxxx       Ptolemy Oberin  

Then for cases where there's >1 entry, I'd like mutt's
query-answer-choosing program to come up, let me choose the answer, and
return it to stdout like, for example


still using the previous example.  And, like with mutt, in the previous
example it would automatically choose and return one address if the
query program returned only one.

Possible to do/access from the command line?  How hard/easy to hack up
a part of Mutt to do it as a standalone program, would people think?


: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: rb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx       http://tertius.net.au/~rb/
: I would rather spend 10 hours reading someone else's source code
: than 10 minutes listening to Muzak waiting for technical support
: which isn't.  -- Dr Greg Wettstein