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Re: please explain these gpg switches...


Thanks.  I think I got most of it now.  If you want
an ASCII signature you use the --armor switch.  Why is ASCII referred
to as "armor"??  Armor seems to imply that somehow ASCII signatures
are safer or more protected with a checksum or something.

How does --batch avoid interactive questions??  Does it just assume
the answer? Must we pray it guesses correctly?


On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 06:10:10AM -0500, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 02:55:20PM -0800, seberino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I'm confused about some switches in .muttrc line above:
> >
> > --no-verbose  : Why do we need this to "reset the verbosity level"??
> >                  ... why isn't `--quiet' good enough??
> --quiet isn't always as quiet as we like.  GPG requires both if you want
> all crap /dev/null(4)ed reliably.
> > --armor       : What does this too? Add a checksum only?
> >                 man pages still left me confused
> "Armouring" means representing the signature in easy-to-use ASCII codes
> (letters, numbers, etc.) instead of in raw binary codes (which need to
> be Base64ed by the MUA anyway, unless the MTAs support 8-bit mode).
> > --detach-sign : this "detaches" the signature.  what does that mean?
> It doesn't return the text with the PGP crap around it; rather, it returns
> a separate "document" which is actually a signature of the document fed
> to GPG.
> > --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f  I'm most confused about all this cruft and
> >                           what all these question marks and %f means.
> The %gunk is Mutt escape sequences for some junk (which I'm too lazy
> to lookup).  I don't remember what --textmode is off-hand, either (maybe
> tunes --armor? don't remember).
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Well, there's some ;-)
> Enjoy,
>  - Dave
> --
> Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
> It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?
> Please visit this link:
> http://rotter.net/israel


Christian Seberino, Ph.D.
SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego
Code 2872
49258 Mills Street, Room 158
San Diego, CA 92152-5385

Phone: (619) 553-9973
Fax  : (619) 553-6521
Email: seberino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx