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lists in aliases

I'm having problems sending to a list I got in aliases, I've RTFM
and as I understand it the right way to do it would be on one line:

alias thelist First Name <first@xxxxxxxxxx>, Second Name
<second@xxxxxxxxxx>, etc.

This is how I've used to do at an earlier stage:

alias thelist First Name <first@xxxxxxxxxx>, \\
Second Name <second@xxxxxxxxxx>, \\

But when I tried to send a mail using the above method (the list is
around 50 persons) it didn't work at all, I wasn't able to send it at
Now to my surprise I saw that the manual shows this as an example:

lias muttdude me@xxxxxxxxxx (Michael Elkins)

My question is; are my methods wrong and therefore the reason for send
to fail? If yes then I need to change to the format the manual shows,

To this I would like to ask further:
What would be the correct method for linebreaks for better view of long

And if I want to have more than one alias file what rules are there for
the filename?

Helgi Örn

/// Helgi Örn Helgason, Registered Linux User: #189958 \\\
\\\ ~~~~~~~~~~ Gentoo, Mutt 1.5.4i, Vim 6.2 ~~~~~~~~~~ ///

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