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mutt, fedora & accents

[note: i sent this to the fedora core desktop list, but
i got no replies. i was expecting/hoping that accents (at least
for west european languages) would be available by default.]


am having an issue where i cannot see accents with the mutt version shipping
with fedora core 1. i remember the last time i had to configure this
it was changing some mutt settings or perhaps some environment
settings, but i cannot remember what was changed.

i will see things like this:

        confirmaci?n de recepci?n



i am not putting the literal text here, i am just copying what i see so that
you guys see the same.

if i look at the file with vim, it looks ok.
i also tried comparing with some othre machine (about redhat 7.3, i think it is)
where this was configured properly.

i have checked that this happens when remotely logged in from a machine
where this works, to avoid issues with gnome-terminal. still happens.
i have tried set charset="iso-8859-1" in my .muttrc files (which btw
are identical in my two machines under test), but seems to make no difference.

fedora has mutt-1.4.1-4.
the other machine is mutt-

what am i missing?

