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Re: set save_empty=no with maildir

On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 07:53:07AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Chris --
> ...and then Chris Green said...
> % 
> % On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 07:37:04AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> ...
> % > 
> % >   rm -r /old/Mail/dir
> % >   rmdir /old/Mail/dir{/*,}
> % > 
> % > Either one -- alone, mind you -- works for me.  Even if you don't expand
> % > braces for the latter, the former is pretty darned portable!
> % > 
> % "rm -r" is a bit risky because it will delete the dir and everything
> % below it even if directories aren't empty, I like the extra insurance
> % of rmdir which won't remove non-empty directories.
> Ah.  Well, to each his own.
> % 
> % "rmdir" needs two goes:-
> %     rmdir dir/*         to remove the cur, tmp and new directories
> %     rmdir dir           to remove dir itself
> Use braces instead, or even
>   rmdir dir/* dir
> if you don't like 'em (but I don't like specifying /path/to/dir multiple
> times on a command line).
Ah, yes, "rmdir dir/* dir" does it on one line doesn't it (assuming
the order of execution is as one expects).

I must admit too that I'd missed your original reference to braces,
however that is shell specific presumably and I do use a fair old mix
of different shells at different times and places.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)