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Re: LDAP- Query

On 2003-11-15, Anca Tibor- Attila <tibor-attila.anca@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> it is me again. 
> 1. I would like to know, how LDAP- Query functions with 
> mutt. 
> 2.Yes, I read the manual and saw the command. but I could not find 
> the perl-script. Does somebody have it, or should I seek it better? 
> Where?

You can find it and other scripts by going to the mutt home page,
www.mutt.org.  From there, follow the link to "Links", then to "Mutt
User Scripts and Add-Ons", then read that list and see the reference
to "External address query Scripts" under the link to "Mutt
Insanity" and follow that link.  On Brandon's page are several such
scripts including two ldapsearch wrappers.

That may seem like a lot of steps, but it's a useful exercise as it
introduces you to a number of mutt resources.

You can also find that script using Google.


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA