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Coloring replies (was: Pattern Matching and Speed)

* Nov 01 02:23 Allister MacLeod <amacleod@xxxxxxxx>:
> I like to color replies to myself in my mailboxes.  Usually, for this
> purpose, ~x is fine.  (My home computers are called shoggoth and
> yogmoth)
> color index blue default "~x @mv3d\.com" color index blue default '~x
> "(sh|y)og[gm]oth"'
> However, not all mailers seem to include a References: field.  My
> friend Mike uses one of them, so:
> color index blue default '~f mike ~h "^In-Reply-To:
> <.*@(sh|y)og[gm]oth>$"'
> This works admirably at coloring things, but, it seems to be rather
> slow.  Although it is not so slow as to cause real problems, it's
> still disconcerting to see the message lines sort of crawl down the
> screen, even on what I consider to be a reasonably fast machine.
> So, what can I do to make it faster?  Is there a more efficient way
> for mutt to look at the In-Reply-To: header?  Could my regex(es) be
> improved to be faster?  Can anyone recommend better/alternate ways to
> detect messages that are replies to mine?  Maybe I could use formail
> to copy the IRT header to a References: header.. would this be a good
> idea?

I use the following which works great:

    color index green black '~h in-reply-to:.*johan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

Johan Svedberg, johan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, http://johan.svedberg.pp.se/