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Re: pb =?unknown-8bit?q?compatibilit?==?unknown-8bit?q?=E9?= mutt/client mua windows (pgp)

* Thierry <lenaig@xxxxxxxxxx> [2003-09-25 20:58]: 

> bonsoir, J'utilise mutt 1.4.1_4 sous une plateforme FreeBSD 5.1 et
> gnupg 1.2.3_1. Lorsque j'envoie un mail non crypté a n'importe quel
> autre mua, aucun pb, cela fonctionne. Lorsque j'envoie un mail
> cryté avec gnupg vers un client mua windows, style outlook, le
> correspondant ne reçois pas de corps de message, mais deux fichiers
> joints un
> .fic et un .asc.....Est ce mon mutt qui est mal configuré ??
> J'utilise aussi procmail, fetchmail et ssmtp....
> Merci.

for everyone who does not understand french:

Thierry uses 1.4.1_4 on a FreeBSD 5.1 platform and gnupg 1.2.3_1
when he sends a mail unencrypted, there's no problem. but when he
sends an encrypted mail to a windows-style MUA (eg outlook), the
receiver doesn't get the body, but just two attachements.  a .fic and
a .asc .  

his question is wether his mutt is badly configured or perhaps there's
an other problem.

( I have the same question, other version of mutt (1.5.4) )


Theo Vermeulen

Theo Vermeulen     _________________________________ 
theo@xxxxxxxxx    |   Al wie dit leest is zot :)    |
                  | All who reads this is stupid :) |
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