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[OT] Re: removing signature

Quoting Jostein Berntsen (jbernts@xxxxxxxxxxxx):

> "     ,kqs = kill quoted sig (to remove those damn sigs for replies)
> "          goto end-of-buffer, search-backwards for a quoted sigdashes
> "          line, ie "^> -- $", and delete unto end-of-paragraph:
>   map ,kqs G?^> -- $<CR>d}
> "
> "     ,kqs = kill quoted sig unto start of own signature:
> " map ,kqs G?^> *-- $<CR>d/^-- $/<C-M>
> Maybe Fefe will add this to the FAQ?!  ;-)

If we're adding things to the FAQ, these are macros I made and use very
often to easily reformat mail and others. I have sil noh everywhere
because i use 'set hlsearch' (and set incsearch).

" Justify the full message from begin sig to top of msg 
map <C-J> G?^-- $<CR><Up>V1G/^$<CR>gq

" Justify the alinea from current cursor position till end of alinea
map <C-j> ?^$<CR><Down>V/^$<CR>gq:sil noh<CR>

" Change signature if it is too offending :)
map <C-k> G?^-- $<CR><Down>VGx:r!/usr/games/fortune ~/.sigs/sigs<CR>:sil noh<CR>

" Unhilight any hlsearches
map <C-u> :sil noh<CR>

| If peanut butter cookies are made from peanut butter, 
| then what are Girl Scout cookies made out of?
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