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Re: converting from kmail

On 24May2009 15:53, Tim Johnson <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| On Sunday 24 May 2009, Cameron Simpson wrote:
| > On 24May2009 07:53, Tim Johnson <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| > | Example: extracting kmail filters to procmail recipes
| >
| > Are there many filters? Will KMail export then in any form?
| > It may be that some ad hoc scripting can be done if you can produce text
| > files of the filters.
| There's lots of filters. They appear to be in ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc 
| [filter #n] headers. And from some inspection, I think I could combine
| "hand work" with some vim scripting to manage a conversion.
| Some quick googling finds complaints that kmail filters are hard to export :-)
| I was hoping that there would be some utility available, but doesn't look like
| one is available.

Can you show us a few excerpts from the kmailrc?
Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743

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