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Re: Regular-Expression for $reply_regexp

On 2009-04-23, Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am on the Microchip Forum and have created a procmail recipe which put
> the real subject (which is in the body) in the Subject: and  the  author
> in the From:.
> Now I can not get the regexp to thread this pigs:
>   117     - 2,5K  2009-01-31 16:31:35  [mc-forum] Counterfit copy of nic
>   118     - 2,0K  2009-01-31 16:43:01  [mc-forum] RE: Counterfit copy of
>   119     - 2,0K  2009-01-31 16:49:29  +*>
>   120     - 2,4K  2009-01-31 17:00:24  +*>
> In my Folder hooks I have:
> ----[ '~/.mutt/hook-folder' ]-------------------------------------------
> folder_hook .                         'set strict_threads=yes; \
>                                        set sort_re=yes; \
>                                        set 
> reply_regexp="^(re([\\[0-9\\]+])*|aw|RE):[ \t]*"'
> <snip>
> folder_hook .ML_electronic.Microchip  'set strict_threads=no; \
>                                        set sort_re=yes; \
>                                        set reply_regexp="^\\[mc-forum\\] RE:[ 
> \t]*"'
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> but it does not work...
> Any suggestions?

Here's what I use.

# Note:  All letters in the reply_regexp must be lower-case, else the
# entire pattern will be treated as case-sensitive.
set reply_regexp="^((\
\\[wvware - help\\]|\
\\[[a-z][a-z0-9 :-]+[0-9]\\]|\
)[ \t]*)+"

I use one huge 'reply_regexp' for all folders rather than
customizing it for each folder.  It covers a number of lists that
insert "[list_name]" at the start of all Subjects.  (I replaced the
company-internal list names with aaa_bbb, etc.)  It also includes
some non-ASCII character sequences that some Chinese version of
Outlook use in place of "Re".  As the note says, it's important to
keep all the letters in 'reply_regexp' lower-case.
