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Re: Detecting new mail in mbox format

* On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 03:33PM +1000 Cameron Simpson (cs@xxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> On 23Apr2009 18:13, Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> | Of course, personally, I think recording access time (thereby turning 
> | every disk access into a disk write) is a waste of my computer's time, 
> | so I usually mount my filesystems with the "noatime" option.
> Yes. On more modern UNIX systems the "relatime" mount option is an ok
> compromise

Oh nice, I didn't know that existed. You never stop learning :)
fstab adopted.

"...Deep Hack Mode--that mysterious and frightening state of
consciousness where Mortal Users fear to tread."
(By Matt Welsh)

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