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Re: Mailing list "from" format

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On Friday, April 10 at 12:33 PM, quoth J. Limon:
> When I get my own email reply from a mailing list it shows up in the 
> Inbox listing as like this..
> 11   F Apr 10 To Ubuntu user  (  35) └─>
> (An example of me replying to something in Ubuntu Users)
> I would like it to just deply my realname just like anyone else's 
> email, since the message above it has an r and it's my name, I think 
> I be smart enough to realize that it's my message without the "To 
> BLANK .." ;)

Heh! I feel the same way, at least for mailing lists.

Anyway, the way to get what you want is to change the $index_format. 
For most mailing lists, I use the following:

"%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15n (%4c) %?M?[%M]> &?%s"
    |  |       |         |    |    |          `- Subject
    |  |       |         |    |    `------------ for folding threads
    |  |       |         |    `----------------- message size
    |  |       |         `---------------------- THIS is your answer
    |  |       `-------------------------------- date
    |  `---------------------------------------- status flags
    `------------------------------------------- count

The default $index_format uses %-15.15L instead of %-15.15n. The 
difference is described in the muttrc man page:

     %L      If an address in the "To:" or "Cc:" header field matches
             an address defined by the users "subscribe" command, this
             displays "To <list-name>", otherwise the same as %F.

Given that, you'd think that %-15.15F would be good, right? Well, I 
use that *most* of the time for non-mailing list folders:

     %F      author name, or recipient name if the message is from you

But for mailing lists... well, since I keep them all in separate 
folders, I don't need "recipient name", I'm smart enough to know what 
folder I'm looking at (plus, it's listed in the status bar if I ever 
forget ;). So, for mailing lists I use %-15.15n:

     %n      author's real name (or address if missing)

That way messages from me to mailing lists show up as FROM ME.

I keep my mailing lists in subfolders of my "Subscribed" folder, so I 
switch between the two formats (%F and %n) using folder-hooks, like 

     folder-hook . \
         'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4c) %?M?[%M]> &?%s"'
     folder-hook "Subscribed" \
         'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15n (%4c) %?M?[%M]> &?%s"'

Hope that helps,
- -- 
To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also 
be well-mannered.
                                                            -- Voltaire
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
