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Re: Conditional Configuration in .muttrc

On 28 Dec 2008 18:13 -0700, by bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx):
>   set pager_index_lines=`test $(stty -a | sed -n '/rows/s/.*rows 
> \([0-9][0-9]*\);.*/\1/p') -gt 30 && echo 8 || echo 0`

Untested, but should work:

`if [ ... ]; then echo 'source onefile.muttrc'; else echo 'source 
otherfile.muttrc'; fi`

Then just fill in "onefile.muttrc" and "otherfile.muttrc" with
whichever settings are appropriate given the conditional.

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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