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Re: <shift><tab> bind doesn't work even though it's listed with ?

On (10:22 14/12/08), bill lam <cbill.lam@xxxxxxxxx> put forth the proposition:
> On Sat, 13 Dec 2008, Dave Wood wrote:
> > I'm using <tab> to read next-undeleted which works fine, but when I set
> > <shift><tab> to read previous-undeleted it says key not bound. I have it
> > set for index and pager:
> > 
> > bind        index       <tab>           next-undeleted
> > bind        pager       <tab>           next-undeleted
> > bind        index       <shift><tab>    previous-undeleted
> > bind        pager       <shift><tab>    previous-undeleted
> I guess you run mutt inside screen. screen emits the same sequence for
> both tab and shift-tab.  My experience is that it works with xterm but
> not screen inside xterm.

Well I do use screen sometimes but I'm not using it at the moment. Perhaps
the console I'm using (Yakuake) has a bind already - I will check that.
Thanks for pointing that out.

> -- 
> regards,
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