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Re: tiff to pdf

On Sun, 09 Nov 2008, Christian Ebert wrote:
> There's also tiff2pdf which would safe the detour via ps2pdf.
> Unfortunately piping to 'xpdf /dev/stdin' doesn't work in this
> case.
> But the following script does for me:
> $ cat muttiff.sh
> #!/bin/sh
> tf=`mktemp`
> # copy mutt's tempfile so it's not removed to early
> cp "$1" "$tf"
> tiff2ps -a "$tf" | ps2pdf - > "$tf.pdf"
> xpdf "$tf.pdf" && rm -f "$tf" "$tf.pdf"
> in connection with the mailcap entry:
> image/tiff; muttiff.sh %s

Hi Christian,

Thank you for the detail information. This (and tiff2pdf) works very

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