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Re: New line characters in message body.

On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 10:54:41AM -0700, Maruvada, Suryakiran wrote:
> When I give echo "first line \n second line \n" the out put is 
> first line 
> second line

Really?  What's your shell?  Are you doing this in a cron job?

> but when I use the same with mutt i.e
> echo "first line \n second line \n" | mutt -a <<attachment>> <<mail-id>>
> my body of the mail come like :   "first line \n second line \n"
> Can any one suggest me what was wrong. How else I can avoid \n in the
> subject line. I want my body in multiple lines

echo -e "first line\nsecond line"
echo $'first line\nsecond line'

(Either or both, depending on your shell.)

> Thanks and Regards,
> Surya Kiran



Paul Hoffman <nkuitse@xxxxxxxxxxx>