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Re: mime type when adding attachment

On Mon, 03 Nov 2008, Christian Mongeau wrote:
> Chapter 5 of the manual deals with MIME:
> http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.html#mimesupport
> In particular, "2. MIME Type configuration with mime.types"
> (http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.html#mime-types) says:
> "When you add an attachment to your mail message, Mutt searches
> your personal mime.types file at ${HOME}/.mime.types, and then
> the system mime.types file at /usr/local/share/mutt/mime.types
> or /etc/mime.types
> The mime.types file consist of lines containing a MIME type and
> a space separated list of extensions. For example:
> application/postscript          ps eps
> application/pgp                 pgp
> audio/x-aiff                    aif aifc aiff
> [...]
> You can change the MIME type that Mutt assigns to an attachment by
> using the edit-type command from the compose menu (default: ^T).
> [...]" or by modifying the mime.types file.

Thanks Christian. 

I checked again that there is no 

There are
/etc/mime.types  which contains
application/vnd.ms-excel        xls xlb xlt

/usr/etc/mime.types  ??? which contains
application/excel               xls

Apparently mutt get mime type from /usr/etc/mime.types any idea why
there is such a file and why mutt read from it, instead of
/etc/mime.types as mentioned inside mutt documentation?

I use ubuntu if that matters.

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