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Re: msmtp and TLS issues, prime...not long enough

* John Magolske on Monday, October 06, 2008 at 22:02:15 -0700
> I'm attempting to switch from using postfix to msmtp,

Looks like a msmtp question ;)

> There are these error messages:
>    msmtp: TLS handshake failed: The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the
>           server is not acceptable (not long enough).
>    msmtp: could not send mail (account acct_1 from /home/me/.msmtprc)
>    Error sending message, child exited 76 (Remote protocol error.).

Try eg.:


I don't know whether you need a recent msmtp for that.
> At this point I'm staying with using postfix, but would like to
> understand how I could use msmtp, and whether it might offer
> advantages in my situation, as this article leads me to believe:
> http://promberger.info/linux/2008/04/11/mutt-with-msmtp-and-a-mail-queue/
>    (re postfix): "...the stigma of originating from a non-fixed IP
>     without a valid domain name if you use them on your laptop."

Different relayhosts according to sender work with postfix 2.3
and later:


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