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Re: IMAP, Gmail and...Procmail?

El dimarts, 15 de juliol del 2008 a les 12:02, Patrick Shanahan va escriure:

> * Michael Pobega <pobega@xxxxxxxxx> [07-15-08 11:32]:
> > I have finally set up Mutt to work with IMAP (After just finding out
> > Gmail has IMAP this morning), but I'm wondering if there is a suitable
> > way to sort my emails using Procmail. I used to use POP and Procmail
> > together to sort all my mail, but with IMAP that doesn't seem possible
> > since I'm not actually downloading the mail...
> > 
> > Can anyone tell me a suitable way to sort my mail or use Procmail with
> > IMAP?
> You can still download your mail and sort *locally* with procmail.
> You just set the fetchmail protocol to imap instead of pop.  The
> keyword here is "local".

I am using what Patrick suggests with different accounts. For
example, my fetchmail config file:

set logfile /var/log/fetchmail.log
set no bouncemail
poll pop.correo.yahoo.es protocol POP3 service 110  
        user "user" password "password" fetchall 
        mda "/usr/bin/procmail -a YAHOO -d %T"
poll pop3.auna.com protocol POP3 service 110  
        user "user@xxxxxxxxx" password "password" fetchall 
        mda "/usr/bin/procmail -a MENTA -d %T"
poll pop.gmail.com protocol POP3 service 995 
        user "user@xxxxxxxxx" password "password" fetchall 
        mda "/usr/bin/procmail -a GMAIL -d %T"
poll imap.uab.es protocol IMAP service 143 
        user "user" password "password" fetchall 
        mda "/usr/bin/procmail -a UAB -d %T"
poll localhost protocol IMAP
        user "user" password "password"
        fetchall no rewrite 
        folder IN.Spam_Fallat
        mda "/usr/bin/sa-learn --spam"

Procmail sorts my messages by folders, account (I have -a YAHOO -d %T to pass 
the account variable to procmail) , spam, ... in the ~/.maildir folder. I have 
setup the .maildir folder as an imap server (before my laptop, I used to 
connect to my home IMAP server to read my messages), and I tell mutt to read my 
local imap server:

set folder=imap://localhost
set imap_user=user
set imap_pass=password
set imap_authenticators=login


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