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Re: unable to set working send-hook

* Ennio-Sr <nasr.laili@xxxxxx> [07-06-08 16:18]:
> Despite various attempts to set different _From_ addresses and/or
> signatures according to the ML I'm writing to I always end up with the
> same result: the _send-hook_ will only work for replies to messages
> coming from a particular list but not for my first message to the
> list!
> Here follows the relevant part of my .muttrc and I hope you can tell me
> what is wrong with these settings.
> -------- quote ------
> # default hook 
> set default_hook =3D "~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)"
> send-hook . unmy_hdr \
> my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <user1@xxxxxx> ; \
> my_hdr Reply-To: Ennio-Sr <user1@xxxxxx> ; \
> set signature=$HOME/.sign1
... comment cancelled lines removed
> unhook * ; \
> send-hook '~t ppc'    'my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <user2@xxxxxx>; \
>                        my_hdr Reply-To: Ennio-Sr <user2@xxxxxxxxxx> ; \
>                        set signature=$HOME/.sign2'
> unhook * ; \
> send-hook '~t debian'  'my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <use4@xxxxxx>'
> unhook * ; \
> send-hook '~t majordomo' 'my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <use5@xxxxxx>'
> ------ unquote -----

send-hook majordomo 'my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <use5@xxxxxx>'

loose the '~t ....'

send-hook matches on a pattern existing in the "To:" address, the flag
is confusing it and quote marks should only be required if character
escaping was necessary.

the 'unhook' statement should only be necessary at the top of your
send-hook list, not each individual send-hook.

Patrick Shanahan         Plainfield, Indiana, USA        HOG # US1244711
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Registered Linux User #207535                    @ http://counter.li.org