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Re: mutt attachments html and cron

On 2 Jul 2008 17:19 +0300, by P.Rysevets@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul -Spawn- 
> ah.. btw.. when run by cron i've managet to get error-out:
> ----------------------
> Error in /home/webmaster/.muttrc, line 2: header_cache: unknown variable
> source: errors in /home/webmaster/.muttrc
> Error in command line: content_type: unknown variable
> ----------------------

Do you by any chance have two different versions of Mutt installed?
Try adding a cron job to be executed soon that runs "which mutt" - is
the path the same one as when you run it from the command line?

Usually when manually executed programs behave differently from when
they are run through cron, the problem is that the environments

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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