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mutt attachments html and cron

Hello Mutt-users,

  i'm a bit new to linux world, but my current task needs to be
finished though...

  okay.. here is the deal:
  i need to send html - e-mail from commandline with bunch of
attachments.. every day ..
  i've wrote bash-script already..
  and when run from console (like direct-execute) everything goes
fine.. just as planned..
mutt -s "System summary report for $THEDATE" \
  -e 'my_hdr From: ----scrapped eMail------' \
  -e 'set content_type="text/html"' \
  -a $TMPDIR"/d6intprod1_cpu.png" \
  p.rysevets@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx < /home/master/stat/getsend_rrdstat_template.html

this way.. mutt sets content type of std-in'ed .html to text/html...
and all the mailers read it properly and display right html-page with
attached pictures... i.e. fine, as i wanted it..

but... here comes the troubles...

when i set this script to run by cron... - everything works except
  -e 'set content_type="text/html"' \
even the change of "From:" is working fine... but not the content
type :( ...

please help.. i'm stuck with only this...

ah.. btw.. when run by cron i've managet to get error-out:
Error in /home/webmaster/.muttrc, line 2: header_cache: unknown variable
source: errors in /home/webmaster/.muttrc
Error in command line: content_type: unknown variable

Best regards,
 Paul 'Spawn' Rysevets          P.Rysevets@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 SpAwN_gUy.aka.WAREZMasta       WAREZMasta@xxxxxxxxx
 ICQ:968978                     SKYPE-ID: spawn_guy