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Re: newbie: filtering email

On 15 Jun 2008 22:10 -0700, by don@xxxxxxxxxxx (Don Raikes):
> No I pull my messages down to my local system using pop.
> I have a .fetchmailrc file setup, and can use it if it is the most
> efficient method. I also have the pop_host setup in my .muttrc file
> so I can use the <ctrl+g> to retrieve my email.

This is easy to do. Just set "mda" to procmail in your .fetchmailrc.
For example, mine is (save for a lot of other things that are
irrelevant in this case):

** cut **
        mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d <locallogin>"

poll <remoteserver> with proto pop3, tracepolls:
        user "<remotelogin>" password "<remotepassword>"
** cut **

Then, create your ~/.procmailrc. While experimenting you may want to
keep this recipe at the very top:

** cut **
** cut **

This will ensure that a copy (`c' flag) of each message is always
written to your inbox. The `w' flag tells procmail to check to see if
the delivery succeeded before continuing. You can also replace
$DEFAULT above with an explicit path, for example

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
* ..... No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings ..... *
* ENCRYPTED email preferred -- OpenPGP key ID: 0x 758F8749 BDE9ADA6 *
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