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Re: newbie: filtering email

On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 10:42:25PM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Sunday, June 15 at 08:32 PM, quoth Don Raikes:
> > I am a newbie to mutt, having just set it up last week.
> Welcome!
> > I receive a ton of email and I want to knwo the best way to filter 
> > the email into folders.
> The "best" way depends on your situation. For example, if you're 
> leaving your email on a remote server, the IMAPFilter program may be 
> more appropriate for your needs.

No I pull my messages down to my local system using pop.
I have a .fetchmailrc file setup, and can use it if it is the most efficient 
method. I also have the pop_host setup in my .muttrc file so I can use the 
<ctrl+g> to retrieve my email.

> Procmail is... well, the best that can be said about it is that it is 
> a tool best used by people who really know what they're doing (or who 
> are pretty stubborn---which is why I use it). It has some pretty 
> glaring flaws (doesn't handle delivery failure very well), and you're 
> probably better off learning to use something like maildrop. Depending 
> on who you ask, maildrop has a simpler and/or more obvious syntax.

I will take a look at maildrop to see how it works.

> > I have looked at some examples of procmail recipes, but can't figure 
> > out how to tie mutt and procmail together.
> Procmail and maildrop are MDAs - mail DELIVERY agents. That is, they 
> receive mail and deliver it to mailboxes. Then you use mutt to read 
> those mailboxes. Procmail and maildrop are NOT for taking a large 
> folder of email and sorting it into sub-folders (though there are ways 
> of using them to do that, it's generally not the most obvious or most 
> efficient way to use them); instead they are designed for being part 
> of the mail delivery process (i.e. they should be triggered by your 
> mail server or by your fetchmail/gotmail program).

As I said earlier, while I can setup getchmail to run in a cron job, I was 
trying to use the <shift+g> keystroke to retrieve mail not fetchmail.

I am certainly open to usign the fetchmail methodology though.

> Does that help, or am I just confusing you?

Kyle, It actually helps a lot. I will look into maildrop and see how that works.

Thansk for the quick reply.
> ~Kyle
> -- 
> This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for 
> complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; 
> the philosophy is kindness.
>                                                           -- Dalai Lama