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Re: sendmail_wait for smtp ?

On 05/17/08 16:53, Dylan Stamat wrote:
> Is there any way to background this ?  Something like sendmail_wait=-1,
> but for smtp ?  Waiting for mail to send can be time consuming.

I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but use msmtp to send through
an SMTP server of my ISP using 

set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp -a default"

and I've recently discovered 

set sendmail_wait = -1

and it works like a charm. The only problem is I don't get error
messages in the rare event that there's a problem so I've written
a shell script to periodically check the mail logs (*):


On the laptop, I'm in fact using this with a script that does a mail
queue with msmtp that I found somewhere online:



(*) There practically never is a problem unless I've fiddled with the
config file to try new stuff. IIRC, if you have "set record", mutt
stores a "sent" copy regardless of whether the mail went out or not,
so you could just reuse that if there was a problem.