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Re: changing subject of all messages in a thread

also sprach David Champion <dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [2008.05.06.1804 +0100]:
> > part of a subthread? I know how to set $editor to get it to do this
> > automatically, but how do I convince mutt to spawn the editor on all
> > tagged messages or messages of a subthread without manually
> > iterating?
> set editor="perl -pi -e 's/^Subject: .*/Subject: mwahaha/;' %s"
> [tag some messages]
> <tag-prefix><edit-message>

Okay, I fell prey to having 'e' rebound. But in any case, the
problem with this is that I'd like to provide a new subject line
once for all messages, but not really redefined $editor every time.

Ideally, I'd have a keybinding doing all this, and using e.g.
$response on the right-hand-side of the regexp. Now, how do I fill
$response sensibly?

/me wants mutt to have a <prompt> function.

martin | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
"give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. teach a man to
 fish, and he'll buy a funny hat. talk to a hungry man about fish,
 and you're a consultant."
                                                      -- scott adams
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