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Re: Change unread mark without open the message

On 25 Apr 2008 07:35 -0400, by ptilopteri@xxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shanahan):
> The "N" key is a *toggle*.  It changes the state of the message from
> "New" or "Read" to "Read" or "New".  It changes what the message state
> *is* to what it is *not*, no matter which it is/was.  If you press the
> "N" key twice, you have the same state that you started with.

Unless the old state is "old", in which case you end up with status
"read" (I just checked this on mutt 1.5.15+20070412-1ubuntu1, which is
what Ubuntu currently provides).

The easy way that I can think of to do what the OP wants is to tag the
messages (`t'), then use <tag-prefix> (`;'), <clear-flag> (`W') or
<set-flag> (`w'), and then make the desired change.

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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