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Re: How to erase already defined mailboxes ?

> Yes. Create two textfiles that define your mailboxes, e.g.
> file 1 contains all important mailboxes and file 2 contains all 
> mailboxes. So your file1 looks like this:


That's one possibility. I tend to write such things as comment's in
muttrc and then parse the muttrc by perl script included at the end of
muttrc in `...`.

Just to have things in one file.

> ,----
> | macro index,pager \em "<enter-command>source ~/.mutt/file1<enter>\
> | <enter-command>macro index,pager \\ef  \\eM \
> | \"toggle Mailboxview\"<enter>" "Important mailboxes, use <Esc>f to toggle"
> | macro index,pager \eM "<enter-command>source ~/.mutt/file2<enter>\
> | <enter-command>macro index,pager \\ef  \\em \
> | \"toggle Mailboxview\"<enter>" "Important mailboes, use <Esc>f to toggle"
> | macro index,pager <ESC>f <ESC>m "toggle Mailboxes: important/all"
> `----

I didn't realize that you can use <enter-command> like that. Thanks :)


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