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Re: URLs screwed in the mail body


On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Saturday, March  8 at 02:10 PM, quoth Francis Moreau:
> > Actually it would be better to fix the source of the problem instead
>  > of trying to find a workaround... But I don't know where these URLs
>  > get splitted at first. Perhaps you could enlight me ?
>  Well, the SMTP RFC specifies a recommended maximum line length of 78
>  characters, and a hard limit of 998. If a URL is longer than 78
>  characters, many email clients will split the URL.
>  One way that it's sometimes done, for example by Apple's email client,
>  is as a format=flowed email with delsp=yes. What that does is allows
>  them to indicate (with a single space at the end of the broken line)
>  that the next line should be appended without a space separating them.

My last example of screwed URL has been sent by outlook. format=flowed
was not set.

So I guess there's nothing in the email header that could indicate that
the email has been reformatted to have a maximum length set to 78.

In this case, your approach seems correct: we have no other way to parse
the email body and try to detect splitted email. If we found some, then we
need to resplice them.

>  >>  macro pager \cb "<pipe-message>tr -d ' \r\n' | urlview<enter>"
>  >>
>  >>  The second option seems to be the best... but it has the problem that
>  >>  it may concatenate urls that shouldn't be concatenated (For example,
>  >>  imagine the sentence "Go to http://www.google.com/ and tell me what
>  >>  you think" - the url would become
>  >>  http://www.google.com/andtellmewhatyouthink
>  >
>  > Why in this case spaces would be deleted ?
>  That's what `tr -d` does: it deletes all the characters you specify.
>  In that macro, I specified three characters: a space, a carriage
>  return, and a newline. The reason I specified a space is because of
>  Apple's format=flowed trick.

Sorry I didn't see the space caracter. My font is too small on that laptop
and it's hard to see it.

>  What I wish we could do is use mutt to decode format=flowed and
>  quoted-printable without having it feed things to the standard mailcap
>  program when pipe_decode is set.

Well, it may be not enough to rely on format=flowed thing only, as I said

>  >>  Perhaps it's better to do this:
>  >>
>  >>      3. Pipe it through lynx to extract the urls before piping it to
>  >>         urlview, like so:
>  >>
>  >>         macro pager \cb "<pipe-message>lynx --force-html --dump | 
> urlview<enter>"
>  >>
>  >
>  > Yes. It would be nice to apply this macro for html emails only. For
>  > text emails just do the usual/fast thing.
>  >
>  > Thank you for your usefull feedbacks.
>  Yeah... unfortunately, that macro (I've been trying it all yesterday)
>  doesn't *quite* work on all emails. Lynx sometimes gets confused by
>  the message headers, I think.

But doesn't pipe_decode, when set,  remove them ?

>  I just put together a perl script that would do the trick instead of
>  lynx. It's attached.

Sorry but I don't speak perl, so I can't comment. I'm wondering if
sed + a good regexp could do the job instead.
