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Re: Replying to Email / Removing previous signature

On 2008-02-20, Joseph <tech@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 02/18/08, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> > A macro to remove all two-line things would be something like this:
> > 
> >      :%s/\n\n/\r/
> > 
> > You can add it to your $editor setting (+%s/\n\n/\r/) or you can make 
> > a key mapping out of it (map ,oe :%s/\n\n/\r/<CR>), whichever you 
> > prefer.
> > 
> What I would like is a macro that would remove stuff that looks like
> this:
> > misc stuff
> > more stuff
> > stuff from Outlook 
> >
> Any time you reply to an email coming from Outlook it adds an extra
> return to every line of the original message it seems.

Is it just an extra return, or is each of those extra lines padded 
with single space?  The latter is what I've seen from Outlook.  You 
can see if that's true by executing

   :set list

in vi or vim.  If that's the case, you can remove those with a 
command like this,

   :%g/^ $/d

which you can include in a macro or in your 'editor' setting as 
suggested above.

BTW, I also start most of my vim macros with a comma.  It's 
convenient and I've never missed the original functionality of the 
