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Re: How to deal with new mail?

> > I did set up my .muttrc now like this:
> >
> > mailboxes /var/mail/benni =freunde =kassette =listmutt =lists =mbox 
> > =root =sent =uni
> >
> > As I wrote to Vladimir, pressing '.' does nothing, and I don't get 
> > any notification about new mail below the status bar.
> Hmmmm... and these are all local folders? The next task is to figure 
> out why mutt isn't seeing new mail in them. What sort of an 
> environment are we working with? Are these folders mbox's or 
> Maildir's? What sort of filesystem are they on? Are they on an NFS 
> share or a filesystem that's been mounted with the noatime option?

Yes, they are all local folders within my maildirectory
Format is mbox, since it was the default format for procmail and mutt,
so I thought I'll stick with it.
I'm using (x)ubuntu linux, all is on my local filesystem which is ext3.
I'm not quite sure about the noatime option, but mount -l gives me

/dev/sda5 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) []

, and I guess you would see it there if sda5 would be mounted with the
noatime option?
> At issue now is how mutt determines whether there's new mail in a 
> folder. Maildir's are relatively easy: if there's anything in the new/ 
> directory inside the maildir, then the mailbox has new mail. Mboxes 
> are more difficult, because doing a thorough job requires reading 
> through the whole mbox (which mutt would rather not do just to get a 
> folder list). Instead, mutt relies, by default, on the timestamps of 
> the file. By default, mutt depends on the access-time and modify-time 
> of the file (when the mailbox is *read*, only the access-time changes, 
> and when mail is *delivered*, only the modify-time (and the 
> change-time) changes, thus if the modify time is more recent than the 
> access-time the mbox must have new mail in it). However, on some 
> filesystems, these timestamps are unreliable---for example, if your 
> filesystem is mounted with the noatime option, the access time is 
> never updated, and either all mailboxes appear to have new mail or 
> none of them do (depending on the system). I believe NFS shares have 
> other problems with timestamps that makes them unreliable. In mutt 
> 1.5.15 and later, there's a $check_mbox_size option that makes mutt 
> use file size to guess whether an mbox has new mail in it rather than 
> the timestamps. However, this isn't a perfect workaround, for several 
> reasons, the biggest one being that at startup mutt assumes that all 
> mailboxes have no new mail (it can only detect mail delivered after it 
> recorded the size of each mbox).

I checked the mailboxes manually, and they have access-times and
modify-times that differ. Although the modify-times are far older as
the access-times because I visited those mailboxes some times after they
recieved new mail... but seems like everything is all right I guess.

> What Vladimir was saying about $mark_old can throw a monkey-wrench in 
> things too, depending on what you're expecting mutt to do. The idea 
> makes more sense with Maildir's, so I'll explain it that way. The way 
> maildirs work, there are three component folders of every maildir: 
> "cur", "new", and "tmp". All messages in the "new" folder are 
> absolutely considered New. However, messages can also be *marked* as 
> "New" when they are stored in the "cur" folder. Mutt considers these 
> messages to be "Old" (i.e. if $mark_old is set, when you open a 
> Maildir with New messages, any messages that are still New when you 
> close that Maildir are moved to the cur folder, and thus are still 
> Unread, but are no longer New: aka "Old". If $mark_old is unset, mutt 
> will leave any unread New messages in the "new" folder. Maildirs are 
> only considered to have New messages if they have messages in the 
> "new" folder, thus, $mark_old will make Unread messages not count as 
> New if you've opened the folder before). This behavior is more 
> complicated to implement with other mailbox storage mechanisms (e.g. 
> IMAP, mbox, MH, etc.), but Mutt has various ways of doing it (some of 
> them don't work as well as others). But, as long as you have $mark_old 
> unset, we don't have to worry about the interaction of unread messages 
> with detection of new messages.

You're tempting me to switch to maildirs... ;-)
For testing purposes, I did set mark_old=no. In this way I can keep new
messages marked as new even if I visited the folder they're in.
Right now, I can only tell if there's new mail in a mailbox by visiting
that mailbox. If I did so with mark_old unset, the new mails would be
marked as old mails after visiting, and I would have to wait until I
would receive new mail or write some mail to myself which would be
annoying after some times.
> > Pressing c? works, but I get a list with all folders, even if I didn't 
> > specify them as mailboxes, and not just those with new mail. 
> > Seems like I misconfigured something?
> Ah, no, I just told you wrong. The buffy-list only puts the list of 
> folders with new stuff below the status-bar. There doesn't seem to be 
> a way to trim the folder-browser down to just the ones with new mail 
> in them. Sorry about that. But, for what it's worth, the browser list 
> should put an N next to each folder with new mail in it.

Ah, how I whish there would be some information about new mails below
the status bar! There are no 'N's as well... The FAQ says you can't have
a new message count if using mbox-format, but even with this format the
folder-browser should flag mailboxes with 'N'.

> Does that help at all?
> ~Kyle

I just can't see why the thing with new mails don't work...
But thank you for your reply! I learned new things about mutt, so yes,
it helped!

I've attached my .muttrc and the dump of mutt -v, 
perhaps I'm using a version to old for fancy new-mail-display 
(is 1.5.15 to old??) or have something heavily misconfigured in my .muttrc. 
I would be glad if you could take a short
look at it!

#                  #
# My mutt settings #
#                  #

### folders and mailboxes ###
##                         ##

set folder="$HOME/mail"
set record="+sent"
set mbox="+mbox"
set postponed="+postponed"
set alias_file="~/.muttalias"

mailboxes =freunde =kassette =listmutt =lists =mbox =root =sent =uni

### sourced files ###
##                 ##

source /home/benni/.muttalias

### global settings ###
##                   ##

set from = 'benni.buch@xxxxxx'
set hostname = 'Benjamin Buch'

set editor="vim"

set delete=no

set sendmail="/usr/bin/nbsmtp -U username -P password -d url.fu -h 
pop3.address.fu -f my.email@xxxxxxxxxx"

set mark_old=no

set pager_index_lines=9

### list subscriptions ###
##                      ##

subscribe mutt-users@xxxxxxxx
subscribe django-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

### macros ###
##          ##

macro index G "!fetchmail -k"
macro pager G "!fetchmail -k"

#                                        #
# The following is a copy of /etc/Muttrc # 
#                                        #
# default list of header fields to weed when displaying
ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
ignore sender references return-path lines
ignore date delivered-to precedence errors-to in-reply-to user-agent
ignore x-loop x-sender x-mailer x-msmail-priority x-mimeole x-ms- x-priority
ignore x-accept-language x-authentication-warning thread- priority importance
ignore x-original-to domainkey-signature dkim-signature

# emacs-like bindings
bind editor    "\e<delete>"    kill-word
bind editor    "\e<backspace>" kill-word

# map delete-char to a sane value
bind editor     <delete>  delete-char

# some people actually like these settings
#set pager_stop
#bind pager <up> previous-line
#bind pager <down> next-line

# Specifies how to sort messages in the index menu.
set sort=threads

# Uncomment if your MTA does not strip Bcc: headers.
# (exim4 and postfix strip them, exim(3) does not.)
#unset write_bcc
# Postfix and qmail use Delivered-To for detecting loops
unset bounce_delivered

set mixmaster="mixmaster-filter"

# System-wide CA file managed by the ca-certificates package
set ssl_ca_certificates_file="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

# imitate the old search-body function
macro index \eb "<search>~b " "search in message bodies"

# simulate the old url menu
macro index,pager \cb "<pipe-message> urlview<Enter>" "call urlview to extract 
URLs out of a message"
macro attach,compose \cb "<pipe-entry> urlview<Enter>" "call urlview to extract 
URLs out of a message"

# Show documentation when pressing F1
macro generic,pager <f1> "<shell-escape> zcat /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz 
| sensible-pager<enter>" "show Mutt documentation"

# show the incoming mailboxes list (just like "mutt -y") and back when pressing 
macro index,pager y "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "show incoming 
mailboxes list"
bind browser y exit

# If Mutt is unable to determine your site's domain name correctly, you can
# set the default here. (better: fix /etc/mailname)
# set hostname=cs.hmc.edu

# If your sendmail supports the -B8BITMIME flag, enable the following
# set use_8bitmime


## Please see the manual (section "attachments")  for detailed
## documentation of the "attachments" command.
## Removing a pattern from a list removes that pattern literally. It
## does not remove any type matching the pattern.
##  attachments   +A */.*
##  attachments   +A image/jpeg
##  unattachments +A */.*
## This leaves "attached" image/jpeg files on the allowed attachments
## list. It does not remove all items, as you might expect, because the
## second */.* is not a matching expression at this time.
## Remember: "unattachments" only undoes what "attachments" has done!
## It does not trigger any matching on actual messages.

## Qualify any MIME part with an "attachment" disposition, EXCEPT for
## text/x-vcard and application/pgp parts. (PGP parts are already known
## to mutt, and can be searched for with ~g, ~G, and ~k.)
## I've added x-pkcs7 to this, since it functions (for S/MIME)
## analogously to PGP signature attachments. S/MIME isn't supported
## in a stock mutt build, but we can still treat it specially here.
attachments   +A */.*
attachments   -A text/x-vcard application/pgp.*
attachments   -A application/x-pkcs7-.*

## Discount all MIME parts with an "inline" disposition, unless they're
## text/plain. (Why inline a text/plain part unless it's external to the
## message flow?)
attachments   +I text/plain
## These two lines make Mutt qualify MIME containers.  (So, for example,
## a message/rfc822 forward will count as an attachment.)  The first
## line is unnecessary if you already have "attach-allow */.*", of
## course.  These are off by default!  The MIME elements contained
## within a message/* or multipart/* are still examined, even if the
## containers themseves don't qualify.
#attachments  +A message/.* multipart/.*
#attachments  +I message/.* multipart/.*

## You probably don't really care to know about deleted attachments.
attachments   -A message/external-body
attachments   -I message/external-body

# enable mime lookup by extension
mime_lookup application/octet-stream

# See /usr/share/doc/mutt/README.Debian for details.
source /usr/lib/mutt/source-muttrc.d|
Mutt 1.5.15+20070412 (2007-04-11)
Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: Linux 2.6.22-14-generic (i686)
ncurses: ncurses 5.6.20070716 (compiled with 5.6)
libidn: 1.0 (compiled with 1.0)
Einstellungen bei der Compilierung:
Um die Entwickler zu kontaktieren, schicken Sie bitte
eine Nachricht (in englisch) an <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>.
Um einen Bug zu melden, besuchen Sie bitte http://bugs.mutt.org/.
